
AARP scam alerts: Smart homes need smart security – Boothbay Register

Smart homes

Smart homes can bring all of our systems, devices and even appliances online. If this is a route you’re taking, know that smart homes need smart security.

When setting up a new device, be sure to adjust the privacy and security settings. For any device that has a default password, change it, and do so again periodically. All of your passwords should be unique and complex. Avoid connecting your email or calendar to smart home devices, along with any other apps that store sensitive information. Also, set up each device so that any new software update uploads automatically. Updates often contain patches to protect against newly discovered vulnerabilities.

Be a fraud fighter! If you can spot a scam, you can stop a scam.

The AARP Fraud Watch Network is a free resource for all. Learn how to proactively spot scams or get guidance if you’ve been targeted. Visit or call our dedicated helpline to speak to a fraud specialist at 1-877-908-3360.
